Legal notice
Information in accordance with § 5 DDG
Huckarder Str. 12
44147 Dortmund, Germany
Telefon: +49 231 177265 – 60
Telefax: +49 231 177265 – 70
Represented by the Managing Partner Carl Martin Meschke
Register entry
Registration court: Dortmund District Court
Registration number: HRB 26777
VAT identification number: DE294093085
Liability for content
We are a service provider, responsible for our own content on these webpages, in accordance with general legislation as stipulated in Section 7 Paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (DDG). However, in accordance with Sections 8 to 10 of the DDG, we are not obliged as a service provider to monitor transmitted or stored third-party information, or to investigate circumstances that may indicate illegal activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in accordance with general legal provisions remain unaffected by this. However, any liability in this respect is applicable only from the point in time at which a specific legal infringement becomes known. As soon as we become aware of any such infringement(s), we will remove the respective content immediately.
Liability of links
Our service contains links to external third-party webpages, over whose content we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot be held liable for any of this third-party content. The respective provider or operator of the webpages is always responsible for the content of the respective linked webpages. At the time of linking, the linked webpages were checked for any possible legal infringements. At that time, no illegal content could be identified. However, it is not reasonable to permanently monitor the content of the linked webpages without any concrete evidence of any legal infringement(s). As soon as we become aware of any infringement(s), we will remove the respective links immediately.
All content and material on these webpages created by the website operators are subject to German copyright law. Any reproduction, processing, distribution and/or any form of utilisation beyond the scope of copyright law require the written consent from the respective author(s) and/or creator(s). Any downloads and copies of these webpages are permitted only for private, non-commercial use. The copyrights of third parties are respected insofar as the content on these webpages has not been created by the operator. Third-party content particularly is identified as such. Nevertheless, if you become aware of any copyright infringement(s), please notify us accordingly. As soon as we become aware of any infringement(s), we will remove the respective content immediately.
Legal validity of this disclaimer
This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet publication which you were referred from. If any sections or individual formulations of this text are not legal or incorrect, the content or validity of the remaining parts remain unaffected by this fact.
EU dispute settlement
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR): You can find our email address above in the imprint.
Consumer dispute resolution/universal arbitration board
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Creation and maintenance
Website kreativ
Raiko Goldenbaum
Web link: Website kreativ – Webdesign Dortmund